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Embark on a journey of unparalleled pleasure with our specialized prostate massage, skillfully performed by our trained tantric masseuses. Experience an orgasmic sensation like no other as your masseuse delicately stimulates your prostate using sensitive and pleasurable techniques. This erotic rejuvenation is crafted to heighten your senses, providing a series of climactic moments that will leave your mind in awe. Surrender to the expertise of our masseuses, and let the waves of pleasure redefine your expectations.


Experience a prostate massage

One of the most relaxing massages a man may have is a prostate massage. It blends traditional tantric practice with the use of prostate massage techniques to produce a wonderful sensual experience that will leave you feeling serene, open minded, and ready to take on anything that comes your way.

You'll be welcomed into a peaceful illuminated room by one of our trained tantric masseuses. The Prostate Massage will start with soft, soothing touches that stimulate you gently and then grow into a more enjoyable massage session. Your concerns will vanish, giving you the ultimate thrilling pleasure. 


The Advantages Of A Prostate Massage


Combats male erectile dysfunction

Regular prostate fluid discharge from the gland not only lowers cancer risk but also promotes the maintenance of longer-lasting erections. Erectile dysfunction occurs when the prostate is inflamed or enlarged, which interferes with the proper flow of blood to the penis. Men may find this to be quite annoying, however prostate massage can help with this delicate matter.


Enhancing the flow of blood

The prostate can benefit from moderate massage to increase blood flow inside the gland. To keep the prostate healthy and to ensure the effective supply of nutrients and oxygen, proper blood flow is crucial. Prostate massage may improve the overall health and vitality of the male reproductive system by increasing circulation.


Reduce the chance of ejaculating prematurely

Prostate massage can be helpful if you discover that you ejaculate too soon and have little control over when you climax. Regular prostate massage has been associated with minimising early ejaculation because it can reduce prostate inflammation. The pressure yearns to be released when you have too much semen. Your sexual excitement will decrease as a result of the tension that prostate milking relieves. Furthermore, regular prostate massage can strengthen your PC muscles, which are situated between your scrotum and rectum and give you more control over your climax.


Reduce the inflammation of the prostate's symptoms.

Prostate massage is known to be helpful for easing several prostate-related disorders, including the symptoms of prostate inflammation. You may receive relief from several disorders, including chronic prostatitis, which causes inflammation of the prostate, and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which causes an enlarged prostate. The mild stimulation can assist in reducing inflammation and easing discomfort brought on by these diseases.

How long will my prostate massage last?

Sessions may be scheduled for 60 minutes to 2 hours; you may choose to add a prostate massage to a tantric massage, a Nuru massage, or a Swedish massage. Some of our clients like including various types of massage therapy into their prostate massage regimens. Numerous Luxurious tantric treatments are available, including Body to Body, Nuru, Lingham and Dark tantric massages.


How does a prostate massage work?

The male prostate gland contains the G-Spot, which according to tantric philosophy is the man's emotional sex core. Prostate lactation, additionally referred to as prostate massage, has a number of health advantages and can produce the most wonderful culmination a man can experience.

How will my personal details be protected?

We take our clients' safety and security severely. To ensure that there is no chance of unauthorized parties accessing your private information, our booking system is completely secured. When your reservation is finished, we also erase and replace any personal data.

Choosing Elite Tantric London

Our masseuses are expert lingam massage practitioners that go above and beyond to make sure you get a relaxing and healing massage experience. Elite Tantric London is a business that offers sensual massage services and is still one of the most well-known suppliers. When you choose us, you get to pick from a variety of gorgeous massage therapists who will give you a tantric massage to remember while also healing your complete body.

You'll be welcomed into a peaceful illuminated room by one of our trained tantric masseuses. The Prostate Massage will start with soft, soothing touches that stimulate you gently and then grow into a more enjoyable massage session. Your concerns will vanish, giving you the ultimate thrilling pleasure. 

Aqua Tantric

Erotic Cleanse Body To Body ritual

Swedish Tantric

Authentic deep tissue Swedish massage.

Prostate Massage

A pleasing tantric prostate massage.

Nuru Tantric

Sensual massage with slippery Nuru Gel

Lingham Massage

Tantric Massage to awaken your sexual energies

Yoni Tantric

Experience for Women only

Dark Tantric

Sensual Tantric massage with BDSM.

Thai Massage

Old age tantra with a modern twist

Fantasy Tantric

Roleplay and uniforms with tantric massage.

Naked Massage

Fully nude tantric massage session

Four Hand Massage

Two Elite Girls perform a seductive massage

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